Artist Statement: 
Our American Dream, Shifting the Cultural Imaginations 
In creating these garden signs I am focusing on two cultural groups. People who have lawns that are a monoculture, like the typical, short green grass, and people who have native plant gardens and have a biodiverse garden. Through my work, I celebrate those who have already started or have implemented native plant gardens within their homes, and I connect with people who have not and may be interested in the future to implement them to protect the country they live in. With this approach, I think about the importance of iconography and the cultural imagination. In my yard sign titled “Our American Dream,” I create watercolor illustrations that show an example of what a native plant garden could look like in multiple different styles of homes. I use the image of a house, apartment building, and barn to reach multiple audiences. With this imagery, I also start to implement a shift in our cultural imagination of the “American Dream.” Straying away from the white picket fence and carefully manicured grass to native plant gardens, creating habitats, cleaning water, and protecting our futures.
Now with the imagination of what the “American Dream” could look like we can start thinking of the other ways the "American Dream" can look and operate in our world. We can shift our cultural imagination to prioritize sustainability, social justice, equity, and empathy so we all can thrive.

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